Quick, take out the cash before he finds you!

- http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/laf/297615808.html Lost my wallet
Craigslist boiled down
And how could anyone misplace someone with such a silly name?
Oooh- backlash that hurts the back
I am well aware that 99% of my links are dead at anytime. After all, CL deletes most postings after 7 days. So I've always considered "Craigslist Losers" a living page- always dying a bit, hanging on by a few funny links. Besides it's hard to find good junk on CL everyday. Days will pass and nothing even remotely odd will pass by my screen.
This woman is more like a scam-attempter then a scam artist.
Best part is wondering how someone riddled with Epilepsy, Asthma, Anemia, and High Blood Pressure can possible have typed all this